There are many ways to divide the word, some very obvious, and some not. There are many more ways to divide the word, such as scripture from scripture, law from law, and period from period, than can be imagined.
For instance, there is the period in the Garden of Eden when our Eloah, whose name is Yahuwah, walked and talked with His creatures. Then sin entered in and He didn't do that, literally, anymore.
Natural division.
Before and after the exodus from Mitsrayim (Egypt). Another natural, or readily apparent, division. Old covenant from New. Another natural division that is of vital importance to the child of our Eloah of today who is trying to do the will of our Father.
Because of the language change from Ibriy/Aramaic to Greek, all modern translations of the scripture show what people think of as the end of the Old Testament and the start of the New Testament occurring between the end of the book of Mal'akiy (Malachi) and the beginning of the gospel according to MattiythYahuw (Matthew). Actually, this is a real division between the Ibriy (Hebrew) language scripture and the Greek language scripture. It is NOT the division between the Old Testament and the New Testament. Neither the Old Testament (Covenant) nor the New Testament (Covenant) are collections of books and letters of the scripture, but are rather systems or dispensations of Yahuwah's law. The start and cessation of the old system of law (The Ten Words), the Law of Mosheh, and the start of the new (Law of Grace) are very clearly defined moments in time.
The "Old Testament" became of force at the creation and the Law of Moosheh, just as a modern law would start being enforced at a specified date and time, when the book of the law was dedicated with blood just as the "New Testament" became of force when it was dedicated with blood of our Savior Yahushua (See Ibriym 9 references below).
So just exactly when did the New Law (Testament) come into effect? Let's look at the Book itself for the answer, for that is where ALL scriptural questions will be answered. In the Book.
Kolossaeus (Colossians) 2:14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his post . . .
Ibriym (Hebrews) 8:6 But now hath he obtained a more excellent ministry, by how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises.
Ibriym 8:8 For finding fault with them, he said, "Behold, the days come," said Yahuwah, "when I will make a new covenant with the house of Yisra'el and with the house of Yahudah . . "
Ibriym 8:13 In that he said, "A new covenant," He has made the first old. Now that which decays and waxes old is ready to vanish away.
Ibriym 9:11 But the Anointed being come an high official of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building;
Ibriym 9:15-17 And for this cause He is the Mediator of the new testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament, they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance. For where a testament is there must also of necessity be the death of the testator. For a testament is of force after men are dead. Otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator lives.
The Law of Grace came into effect at the moment when Yahushua died on that tree for that is when His testament, in His blood, became enforceable, as stated in Ibriym 9:15-17, above. All of the above scripture show quite plainly that most of the events that are described in MattiythYahuw, Markos (Mark), Loukas (Luke), and Yahuchanan (John) were in times that were still under the Old Covenant and the Law of Mosheh, until they described the crucifixion and death of our Master and Savior, Yahushua the Anointed (Ibriy is Mashiach and Greek is Christ). Well, that's not surprising, either. Yahushua was circumcised the eighth day according to the Law. He told the people that He healed to show themselves to the high official according to the Law, etc. He said that He did not come to destroy the law, but to fulfill it.
Under the dispensation of the New Testament, the first complete book of Scripture that we have in the Greek text is the book of the Acts of the Delegates. Now we can plainly see where the real division between the Old Testament, The Law of Mosheh, and the New Testament occurs. Now please don't misunderstand. What has just been said is that the Ten Words as written and the Law of Mosheh were in effect UNTIL the death of Yahushua.
There is plenty more evidence of this truth throughout the Greek text. If you look, you'll see it. Once you understand where this particular division is, a lot of other things will become clear. For instance, the people of Yahuwah were told to tithe (give a tenth of all their substance) to the "Levitical priesthood" under the Law of Mosheh, but to give cheerfully to those in need under the New Covenant. Many questions of that nature clear right up. All of scripture is a very wondrous story. Every time it is read, something that had not been previously recognized will become apparent. Check out the verses that are shown above. See if the context is as stated. It will surprise you the things you will begin to find out when you study with an open mind while being guided by the Spirit instead of man. Much more than is written here, you may be assured.
Now let's see if we can divide the Gospels. First, the word gospel is from a Greek word that literally means, "a good message." Why should there be four? Wouldn't one be enough? Well, that probably depends on who's reading it.
The Ibriym (Hebrews) were looking for the Anointed (Mashiach or Christos). They knew that He was to come of the line of Dawiyd and they would have to see a family tree of the male lineage before they would believe anything. They got that lineage in chapter one of the book of MattiythYahuw (Matthew). Amazing! The rest of that book is slanted toward an Ibriy reader too. It is a disinct possibilty that the original of that book was written in the Ibriy language and later translated into Greek. Look at it again in that light and see what you think.
The book of Markos is a very action packed book. Everybody mentioned is always doing, going, coming, running, etc. Very action oriented story. Could it be that an action packed story of that nature would hold a Roman's attention? They were pretty action oriented. At the time of Yahushua their actions as warriors and conquerors had put all of the known world under their dominion.
A more beautiful and poetic story of Yahushua couldn't be told than that found in the book of Loukas. Read it for it's literary value and style alone and it can bring tears to your eyes. (Read it for the story of our Savior and it will bring tears of joy.) Sounds like something the Greeks would have loved to read, doesn't it? How wonderful and mysterious are the ways of Elohiym. He never overlooks anything or anybody.
Last but far from least, there's the wonderful story as told by Yahuchanan. This book is very straight forward and to the point and doesn't appear to be slanted toward any recognizable group. Except maybe us.
Anyone who doesn't come under the auspices of Ibriy, Rhomaios, or Greek, can find all they need to know here, plain language. Well, praise Yahuwah! He's still doing it today. No matter how hard man tries, he's not going to change the wonderful message of Yahushua the Anointed, the Son of our Eloah Yahuwah.
The book of the Acts of the Delegates is the detailed description of the formation of the assembly of Yahushua. This book tells us everything we need to know, and everything we need to do, to become part of the Body of Yahushua. Some of the chapters deal with teaching non-believers, while others deal with believers (erroneously referred to as the church). It is not hard to tell which is which when you're reading it. Always ask yourself, "To whom is he talking?' It makes a big difference, because that can make the difference between rightly dividing the word, and not dividing it at all.
The letters from Rhomaios (Romans) through Revelation are written to believers. Those who are already in the Body of Yahushua and need to learn and grow. This is the scriptural food that will nourish the young child of Yahuwah, and cause him to grow up in grace and the Spirit. These books tell him how to stay in the will of Yahuwah, how to treat his brothers, and how to treat those who are not part of the body of Yahushua, etc.
Let's take a look at who the writers of these books said they were writing them to. That should be authoritative. Listed below are the rest of the books, in order, with some of the applicable verses shown.
- NOTE: The writers of all the epistles (letters) EXCEPT the letter to the Ibriym are identified by name. Shau'wl even said that his salutation was the sign in each of his letters that he was the actual writer or that it was written in his name and with his approval (2 Thessalonikios 3:17). There is no such salutation in the letter to the Ibriym, and as a matter of fact, the writer made statements that exclude Sha'uwl as the writer (Ibriym 2:24 and 4:2). The good news was not preached to Sha'uwl by any man, but rather he was given it directly from the mouth of Yahushua (Acts 9:1-22)
Rhomaios 1:1-7 Romans 1:1-7 Sha'uwl, a slave of Yahushua the Anointed, called to be a delegate, separated to the good news of Yahuwah 2 that He promised before through His prophets in the Sacred scriptures, 3 concerning His Son Yahushua the Anointed, our Master, who was born of the seed of Dawiyd according to the flesh, 4 declared the Son of Yahuwah in power according to the spirit of sacredness out of the resurrection from the dead. 5 Through Him we have received grace and apostleship for obedience to the faith among all heathen nations for His name, 6 among whom you also are the called of Yahushua the Anointed. 7 To all who are in Rhome, beloved of Yahuwah, called saints, grace to you and peace from Yahuwah our Father and the Master Yahushua the Anointed.
1 Korinthios (Corinthians) 1:1-2 Sha'uwl, called to be a delegate of Yahushua the Anointed through the will of Yahuwah, and Sosthenes our brother, 2 to the assembly of Yahuwah that is at Korinthos, to those who are sanctified in the Anointed Yahushua, called saints, with all who in every place call on the name of Yahushua the Anointed our Master, both theirs and ours,
2 Korinthios 1:1 Sha'uwl, a delegate of Yahushua the Anointed by the will of Yahuwah, and Timotheos our brother, to the assembly of Yahuwah that is at Korinthos, with all the saints who are in all Achaia,
Galates (Galatians) 1:1-2 Sha'uwl, a delegate (not from men nor through man but through Yahushua the Anointed and Yahuwah the Father who raised Him out of the dead) 2 and all the brothers who are with me, to the assemblies of Galatia,
Ephesios(Ephesians) 1:1 Sha'uwl, a delegate of Yahushua the Anointed by the will of Yahuwah, to the saints who are in Ephesos and faithful in the Anointed Yahushua,
Philippesios (Philippians) 1:1 Sha'uwl and Timotheos, bondservants of Yahushua the Anointed, to all the saints in the Anointed Yahushua who are in Philippoi with the overseers and attendants,
Kolassaeus 1:1-2 Sha'uwl, a delegate of Yahushua the Anointed by the will of Yahuwah, and Timotheos our brother, 2 to the saints and faithful brothers in the Anointed in Kolossai. Grace to you and peace from Yahuwah our Father and the Master, Yahushua the Anointed.
1 Thessalonikeos(Thessalonians) 1:1 1 Thessalonians 1:1 Sha'uwl, Silouanos, and Timotheos, to the assembly of the Thessalonikeos in Yahuwah the Father and the Master, Yahushua the Anointed, grace to you and peace from Yahuwah our Father and the Master, Yahushua the Anointed.
2 Thessalonikeos 1:1 2 Thessalonians 1:1 Sha'uwl, Silouanos, and Timotheos, to the assembly of the Thessalonikeos in Yahuwah our Father and the Master, Yahushua the Anointed,
1 Timotheos (Timothy) 1:1-2 Sha'uwl, a delegate of Yahushua the Anointed, by the directive of Yahuwah our Savior and the Master, Yahushua the Anointed, our hope, 2 to Timotheos, a true son in the faith, grace, mercy, and peace from Yahuwah our Father and Yahushua the Anointed, our Master.
2 Timotheos 1:1-2 Sha'uwl, a delegate of Yahushua the Anointed by the will of Yahuwah, according to the promise of life that is in the Anointed Yahushua, 2 to Timotheos, a beloved son, grace, mercy, and peace from Yahuwah the Father and the Anointed Yahushua, our Master
Titos (Titus) Titus 1:1-4 Sha'uwl, a slave of Yahuwah and a delegate of Yahushua the Anointed, according to the faith of Yahuwah's elect and the acknowledgment of the truth that accords with piety, 2 in hope of everlasting life that Yahuwah, who cannot lie, promised before time began, 3 moreover in His own day made His word manifest in the message preached, that was committed to me according to the directive of Yahuwah our Savior, 4 to Titos, a true son in our common faith, grace, mercy, and peace from Yahuwah the Father and the Master, Yahushua the Anointed, our Savior.
Philemon 1:1-2 Sha'uwl, in the bonds of the Anointed Yahushua, and Timotheos a brother, to Philemon our beloved and fellow worker, 2 and to the beloved Apphia, and Archippus our fellowsoldier, and to the assembly through your house:
Ibriym 2:2-4 For if the word spoken through messengers proved firm and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense, 3 how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation that at the first began to be spoken by the Master and was confirmed to us by those who heard, 4 Yahuwah also bearing witness both with signs and wonders, with various miracles, and gifts of the Sacred Spirit, according to His own will?
Ya'aqob (James) 1:1-3 Ya'aqob, a slave of Yahuwah and of the Master, Yahushua the Anointed, to the twelve tribes in the Diaspora, rejoice. 2 My brothers, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, 3 knowing that the trying of your faith works patience.
1 Keph (Peter) 1:1-2 Keph, a delegate of Yahushua the Anointed, to the pilgrims of the Dispersion in Pontos, Galatia, Kappadokia, Asia, and Bithunia, 2 elect according to the foreknowledge of Yahuwah the Father, in sanctification of the Spirit, into obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Yahushua the Anointed, grace to you and peace be multiplied.
2 Keph 1:1 Shim'own Keph, a slave and delegate of Yahushua the Anointed, to those who have obtained equally precious faith with us in the righteousness of Yahuwah and our Savior Yahushua the Anointed,
1 Yahuchanan 1 John 1:1-4 That which was from the beginning which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have felt concerning the Word of Life, 2 for the Life was made manifest and we have seen and bear witness and declare to you that eternal life, that was with the Father and was made manifest to us. 3 That which we have seen and heard we declare to you that you also may have fellowship with us and truly our fellowship moreover is with the Father and with His Son, Yahushua the Anointed. 4 And these things we write to you that your joy may be full.
2 Yahuchanan 2 John 1:1-2 The elder to the elect lady and her children whom I love in the truth. And not only I, but also all they that have known the truth, 2 through the truth's sake that abides in us and shall be with us into the ages.
3 Yahuchanan 1:1 The elder to the wellbeloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth.
Yahudah (Jude) 1:1 Yahudah, the slave of Yahushua the Anointed, moreover brother of Ya'aqob, to those called, sanctified in Yahuwah the Father and preserved in Yahushua the Anointed.
Revelation 1:1 The Revelation of Yahushua the Anointed, that Yahuwah gave Him to show to His slaves, what is necessary to become in quickness and He sent and signified it through His messenger to His slave Yahuchanan
Well, there it is. Now it is up to you whether or not you study.
Please, please, if you decide to study, beware of the traps that Satan lays for all of us. Remember that his name, pronounced "sawtawn," means "an opponent or adversary" and is from a primary root meaning to attack. In his attack he'll have people telling you all kinds of things, about every subject in and out of this world.
Don't believe them, for you are responsible for what you do believe. Every thing they tell you on his behalf will be lies. ONLY Yahuwah IS TRUTHFUL. HIS SON IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE. Remember that. Satan tells only lies. Believe our Eloah, whose name is Yahuwah, for He is truth.
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C.F. Castleberry