Pagan Names for the Days of the Week

Shemot (Exodus) 23:13

A "sin" that the greatest majority of otherwise sincere people do not realize they are committing on a daily basis is calling on the names of pagan deities when they say anything about any day of the week using the secular weekday names. Scripture does NOT name the days, but calls them in the order of their sequence during the Creation. Yahuwah had some things to say about that practice, and those things do not bode well for those guilty of it.

    Howshea' (Hosea) 2:16-17 And it will be in that day," says Yahuwah, "you will call Me 'My Husband' and no longer call Me 'My Lord' and I will take from her mouth the names of the pagan deities and they will not be remembered by their name anymore.
    Shemot (Exodus) 23:13 And in all that I have said to you give heed and make no mention of the name of other elohiym nor let it be heard from your mouth.

Below are the secular calendar names of the days. Take note that each and every one of them is derived from and/or dedicated to a pagan deity. This ought not to be in a world that claims to followers of Yahuwah and His Son Yahushua.

Keep in mind that the secular calendar has the days of the week starting and ending at midnight, while scripture has them starting and ending at sundown.

1. Sunday (day of the sun) is the first day of the week. Its English name and its German name (Sonntag) are derived from the Latin dies solis, "sun's day," the name of a pagan Rhomaios (Roman) holiday. Sunday is called the Lord's Day (Dominica in the Latin version) and in Romance languages (French Dimanche; Italian Domenica; Spanish Domingo; Rhomaios Duminica). Sunday was instituted as a day of rest for the Rhomaios Empire, NOT Christians who still observed the seventh day shabbath at that time, by the Rhomaios emperor Constantine the Great. Since the 4th century, ecclesiastical and civil legislation controlled by the Rhomaios Catholic Church has frequently regulated work on Sunday and service attendance. It is called yom echad in Ibriy (Hebrew), meaning "first day" or "day one."

2. Monday (day of the moon) is the second day of the week, derived from the Anglo-Saxon monandaeg, which means "the moon's day." Its Latin equivalent is dies lunae, or "day of the moon." For the Anglo-Saxons the second day was sacred to the female deity of the moon. It is called yom sheniy in Ibriy, meaning "second day" or "day two."

3. Tuesday (Tyr's day) is the third day of the week, named for the Norse god of war, Tiu, or Tyr, the son of Odin, or Woden. It is called tisdag in Sweden, Tirsdag in Denmark. The Rhomaios honored their god of war, Mars, by naming the third day for him (dies Martis), and in France the day is mardi, in Italy martedì, and in Spain martes. In Germany it is Dienstag, originally meaning "assembly day." It is called yom shlishiy in Ibriy, meaning "third day" or "day three."

4. Wednesday (Woden's day) is the fourth day of the week, named to honor Odin, or Woden, chief deity in Norse mythology. In Sweden and Denmark, the day is Onsdag, from its Norse original. The Rhomaios honored their deity Mercury by naming the fourth day for him, in Latin, dies Mercurii. Languages of Latin origin retain the root: French, mercredi; Spanish, miércoles; and Italian, mercoledì. The Germans call the day Mittwoch, meaning "mid-week." It is called yom rebiy`iy in Ibriy, meaning "fourth day" or "day four."

5. Thursday (Thor's day) is named for Thor who in Norse mythology is the deity of thunder, eldest son of Odin, ruler of the gods, and Jord, the earth female deity. Thor was the strongest of the Aesir, the chief deities, whom he helped protect from their enemies, the giants. He had a magic hammer, which he threw with the aid of iron gloves and which always returned to him. Thunder was supposed to be the sound of the rolling of his chariot. It is called yom chamiyshiy in Ibriy, meaning "fifth day" or "day five."

6. Friday (Frigg's day) is named for Frigg or Frigga who in Norse mythology is the female deity of the sky and wife of Odin, the chief of the deities. She was worshipped as the female deity of darkness, who killed Balder with a mistletoe sprig. In German mythology, Frigg was sometimes identified with Frevia, the female deity of love. It is called yom shishshiy in Ibriy, meaning "sixth day" or "day six."

7. Saturday (Saturn's day) is the seventh day of the week, named in honor of the Rhomaios deity Saturn. In Latin, Saturday was called dies Saturni; it was called Sater-daeg by the Anglo-Saxons. It is the rest day of the Yisra'eliym, both physical and spiritual, and in Ibriy is called Shabbath and yom shebiy`iy in Ibriy (Hebrew), meaning "seventh day" or "day seven." The word shabbath derives from the Ibriy word meaning "to rest or cease, intermission" as the Yisra'eliym were enjoined from working on the seventh day by Yahuwah (4th commandment). It begins at sunset the sixth day and lasts until sunset the seventh day. In Sweden Saturday is Lördag, or Lord's Day, and in Denmark and Norway it is Lørdag. In Spanish it is el sábado and in Italian sabato, both derived from shabbath.

The Father of our Savior and Master Yahushua, whose name is Yahuwah, has said very plainly that we are not to speak the names of pagan deities, yet here we are, calling all of the days of the week by those very names.

    And in all that I have said to you give heed and make no mention of the name of other elohiym nor let it be heard from your mouth. - Shemot (Exodus) 23:13

Left click here to read a companion article on the pagan names of the months of the year.

C.F. Castleberry